
Dating profiles What they say vs what they mean.

Dating profiles What they say vs what they mean.

4/18/2023 12:00:00 AM

We’ve all been there. You are on what you hope is the best UK dating app and site FlirtFinder or one of the free dating sites and while you are reading the online dating profiles you stop to wonder what these singles looking for love are really saying. Well fear no more our handy guide is here to help. You’re welcome!

Age is just a number. ( Hoping to meet a much younger woman )

No time wasters. (Men - looking for casual sex) (women - Not looking for casual sex )

Looks unimportant ( Been single a very long time)

Been hurt before. ( Looking to meet someone else that is also horrible )

Religious references / women who send email, skype details in 1st messages to men. ( I am a fraudster who would like you to send me some money via western union )

Fun nights ( men - sex ) ( women - conversation )

Enjoy nights in / out ( men - food & sex ) ( women - conversation )

Not looking for anything serious ( men - sex only, women - not sure what I am looking for )

No Pervs ( Looking for a man that is slightly more patient )

Bubbly (Large build)

Looking to meet someone who likes me for me ( Men - I'm skint ) ( Women - I'm not going to make any effort at all )

Speak my mind ( I'm rude )

Ask me anything - ( I'm lazy )

Not sure what to put, just ask ( I'm unimaginative, lazy and can't Google )

Good sense of humour ( I laugh at anything )